Paige's Diaryland Diary


Feel Free to Call Me in an Emergency

Finally! The sun came out on the Capitol! The birds are chirping! The kids are playing! I can hear lawnmowers through my open windows!

And it is raining in my house.

Onto the second floor of a 3-story house.

Yesterday, I was wandering around my house, talking to Mom on the phone, when I looked down and saw a wet shoe print on the dining room floor. Where the heck did that come from? As I moved around and caught the right angle, I saw the light glisten off the small pond between my dining room and living room. I looked up and saw the drip-drip of rain coming out of the ceiling under the master bath.

"Uh, Mom? I gotta go."

So I went upstairs. Nothing wet in the master bath. Nothing wet in the kids bath. Noodle's closet, which backs up to both bathrooms - dry.

So I went to the attic. Roof's not leaking. Pipes (tubes? whatever.) going to the roof not leaking. Floor, insulation, and walls are dry.

Back downstairs to stare at my ceiling. It was slightly bulging and starting to come apart at a seam, and the drip-drip was NOT slow.

It was about 5pm and Tater was on shift until 10. This is NOT something you bother him with at the Pentagon.

(Insert cussing here. Be liberal and use your imagination.)

What to do????? What to do????

So I tightened the faucets, dried the floor, popped some Tupperware under the drip, and had some wine.

4:44 p.m. - May 26, 2005

